Glenn H.
Dealing with depression is one of the hardest things you will face. My strategy is to keep it simple at first. Build up some energy and good thoughts. These may seem simple and obvious, but they make a difference.
1. Go outside. I don't mean go run a marathon or endure a ten mile hike. Just step outside your door, pull up a chair, sit down, and breathe for a few minutes. It does not require much effort and you will be amazed at how well Mother Earth will listen to you.
2. Distract yourself. Find something simple that will occupy your time for short spurts until you feel like investing further in it. No need to pull out a novel or a 1,000 piece puzzle. Read an article in a magazine, watch short videos, play uplifting music. Hell, I watched every episode of "Whose Line Is It Anyways?" nightly when I was struggling. I found that laughing was indeed the best medicine for me.
3. Stay in touch. Texting and email are only the start. Pick up the phone and call someone just to say hello. A few minutes of human interaction will show you just how people care about you.
4. Online support. It's easy to find places where people are experiencing the same issues as you. You may not feel like sharing your feelings or even talking, but you will see that you are not alone in your struggles
About Me
Premier Progressive & Power Metal Music Festival for North America. Through his company, HoS Productions, Glenn Harveston is the music promoter and founder for ProgPower USA - the premiere annual festival here in North America dedicated to progressive & power metal. 2015 will be the festival's 16th year.
ProgPower USA is unlike any other music festival in the world as the focus is on quality over quantity. The audience capacity is intentionally kept at 1,100 in a first class indoor venue – Center Stage Atlanta. Each year, the roster consists of 12 bands from abroad with 6 performing each night. The festival gives bands that have never performed in the States a chance to test the waters so to speak, and it also allows them to interact with fans more than ever.